Heron. Source: Canva

Protecting the Great Blue Heron Colony at Deer Lake Park

A Call to Action: Protecting the Great Blue Heron Colony at Deer Lake Park

Sources: Burnaby Now, Vancouver City News,

Deer Lake Park. Source: Canva

Nestled within the urban landscape of Burnaby lies a natural treasure – Deer Lake Park, a sanctuary for a colony of great blue herons.

However, this tranquil haven is now at the center of a heated debate involving a proposed development project that could potentially disrupt the peace of these magnificent birds.

The Threat to the Habitat

The great blue herons, known for their impressive stature and beauty, have made Deer Lake Park their home, a testament to the ecological diversity of the area. The heron colony began in about 2005 when four nests were identified at Deer Lake1In 2022, a biologist counted 68 nests and, in 2023, an additional nest was counted1. However, a planned development in the vicinity of the park has sparked concerns among the local community. The fear is that the construction activities could disturb the herons, disrupting their nesting patterns.

The Controversial Development

The controversy deepens with the construction of a new childcare centre, a project that necessitated the removal of decades-old trees. These trees, apart from being an integral part of the park’s ecosystem, could have provided additional nesting spaces for the herons. The loss of these trees has been a significant point of contention in the ongoing dispute.

The Power of Community

In a bid to halt the project, a group of committed activists has initiated an online petition. The petition, which has already received nearly 12,000 signatures, is a testament to the community’s resolve to protect the heron colony. The activists are encouraging the public to exert pressure on the city officials to reconsider the location of the development. You can sign the petition HERE

The City’s Stand

Despite the outcry, the City of Burnaby insists that the development does not pose a risk to the heron colony. They assert that the site clearing did not impact any nesting sites and that the work was carried out before the heron nesting season, adhering to the recommended buffer zone guidelines.

Final Thoughts

The unfolding situation at Deer Lake Park serves as a stark reminder of the delicate balance between urban expansion and environmental preservation. It highlights the importance of community engagement and thoughtful planning in decision-making processes. As we await the outcome, we hope for a resolution that respects the needs of both the city’s inhabitants and its wildlife.

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