Pedestrian / Cyclist Overpass to link Burnaby Lake and Deer Lake Park

“Strong gateway to the highway and a community portal to surrounding nature.”


The preferred location of the pedestrian / cyclist overpass above the #1 Highway has been given.

Ideally, the overpass will go from Claude Avenue and McCarthy Court to the Glencarin Trail Entrance.  This location will give better access to the Burnaby Lakes.  Additionally, this part of Hwy 1. has higher embankments. Which will reduce the cost of the overpass. Also considered was the impact on the environment and private land.

The overpass will feature symmetrical crossing arches. Additionally the bridge will have glazed barriers and netting for safety. Lighting at night will also provide safety for users. Additionally the lighting would highlight the “memorable architecture”.

This isn’t the first pedestrian overpass in Burnaby. Other pedestrian overpasses are located at; Kingsway at Metropolis at Metrotown, Griffith Drive Overpass in South Burnaby, and Central Valley Greenway Overpass north of Burnaby Lake.

An additional pedestrian / cyclist overpass has been recommended. This second overpass would connect Burnaby Lake Park, and, Robert Burnaby Park. When this overpass is approved, it will be put into the City of Burnaby’s 2021 – 2025 financial plan.

Daily Hive